Rio was borned and raised in Västerås, the city where Tribe of Tjernobyl reigned during the late 90's. It was there, in the maelstrom of the gaming bunker of ToT where he first met with Quakeworld. Initially only as an interested observer. Probably because rio were maledicted with modem connection, he didn't really start his fps career until one foggy morning in 2000, when ADSL was finally installed. Quake3 was the name of the game at the time, playing both TDM and CTF. After winning himself a silver trophy at Dreamhack 2004 Q3TDM Tournament, rio became captain of the Swedish national team.
Eventually, whispers of a Quakeworld "rookie" tournament reached his ear. The time had come. Later on, at another edition of Dreamhack, he cut some notorious scalps; winning XantoM and almost defeating nabbe in the duel tournament.
Since then it's been quiet around him, except for the few times he showed up to some of the many park hangouts or other social events SD hosted.
Being a web developer, Rio sometimes talks about contributing to the scene with some interesting web projects, yet these speculations remains... speculations.