Trash at QHLAN 2005

Clan prefix:
Clan colors:
When in doubt -- empty your magazine.
It all started back in 1997 when three real life friends - trash, st33lmountain and mrBly - formed "Republic Warriors Clan". The name for the clan came from the geography of the founders, as they all lived in Jämtland Sweden which is its own republic. They gathered some warriors and grew larger with both a low and high ping section. It was the good old times when players had 150+ ping, playing with dial-up modems and ISDN connections.
After maybe a year or so they had major changes in the lineup so a change of name seemed appropriate. The new name was "6pack", all due to st33lmountain and his habits and love for beer. The clan did not really grow alot, but there was a core of players that played together most of the time. There was not many tourneys back then so it was more just practises or recreational games vs their swedish arch enemy "Hellfire Clan".
After a summerbreak when mrBly quit the game and various players left or joined they again decided it was time for a fresh start. They had a hard time finding a good name for the clan, but the name "Seek & Destroy" was eventually agreed upon. Trash could not really feel that this name was the name he wanted for the clan, so one day at work when he thought about the initials - S&D - he came up with the name "Suddendeath" instead, and just like that, the mighty clan Suddendeath was born.
From that day until today, Suddendeath has been an active clan apart from a short break sometime in the early year of 2000. They are one of the oldest clans still active and are today perhaps the biggest clan out there. Suddendeath currently fields two teams with completely separate lineups.
What makes this clan so special is that they are like a family. There are always members online, always someone on teamspeak, and always someone there if you need something. According to a reliable source, they could probably call eachother in ungodly hours and the guy answering would not wonder why someone was calling him at that hour.
Suddendeath organized a LAN in Stockholm called "Kitchen LAN" during the summer vacation of 2012, where 12 members and friends sweated it out while having a great time. Tournament wise, carapace was the crowned champion in the somewhat unorthodox triathlon-duel tournament, featuring the maps "subterfuge", "xmastree" and ultimately "oldcrat". Hopefully more LANs will come in the not so distant future.
To conclude things, the Clan of Suddendeath leaves you with this message:
"We have no plans of leaving the scene or stop playing. There is just no way, Quakeworld is the best game out there! So if you see a guy on a server with yellow and white colours, dont hesitate, come and have some fun with the SD family!"
Thanks for reading. This message will self-destruct in 5... 4... 3...
History written in blood. We finally put our name truly deep in the history books. We got to the finals against the Viper Squad, which is the nightmare opponent number 1, and we managed to pull our shit together to a 3-1 victory...
Map 1 - dm3
Map 2 - dm2
Map 3 - e1m2
Map 4 - dm3