Andeh in the spotlight
2014-05-13 21:56
Suddendeath´s very own Andreas "andeh" Wahl has done alot of work recently for the QuakeWorld community, mainly with the stream, but also as a news writer and various other projects. It´s not every day that hard work pays off. Maybe you´ll get some appreciation, maybe you won´t, and maybe, just maybe, you´ll get interviewed by the notorious interviewer and FPS enthusiast Duncan "Thorin" Shields. Click the link below to find out what they were talking about...
Såååååh!!! Bra fest.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeel sjuk, typ!?
Featured member
Being the elder and the founder of Suddendeath, Jimmy has many aces up his sleeve. He is wise and intelligent, an excellent reader of others’ intentions, and a smooth, subtle talker, able to convince with words, not only bullets. ...